An ancient partnership reignited
A new dimension of supporting Talmidei Chachamim. Join the many partners bringing timeless bracha into their lives.

The Gems of Torah
The Gems of Torah
We strive to uncover the gems of Torah. The masmidim that awaken early and toil over the words of Torah well into the night.
We strive to uncover the gems of Torah. The masmidim that awaken early and toil over the words of Torah well into the night.
Vetted Talmidei Chachmim in the Smach Zevulun network and growing.
Seforim published by our Yissachars.
Hours dedicated to Torah study each week on average.
Years average full-time learning before joining Smach Zevulun.
Children is average family size for a Yissachar.
Active Dayanim and Roshei Chaburah serving Klal Yisrael
Vetted Talmidei Chachmim in the Smach Zevulun network and growing.
Seforim published by our Yissachars.
Hours dedicated to Torah study each week on average.
Years average full-time learning before joining Smach Zevulun.
Children is average family size for a Yissachar.
Active Dayanim and Roshei Chaburah serving Klal Yisrael
The future generation of Poskim, Roshei Kollel, Dayanim, and Rabbanim; the leaders that hold Klal Yisrael on their shoulders.
Our commitment is to help you gain access to an elite class of vetted Talmidei Chachamim in order to reap the astounding reward in this world, and the next.
Endorsed and designed with
Avigdor Nebenzahl

Avigdor Nebenzahl

Avigdor Nebenzahl

Yitzchok Berkowitz

Yitzchok Berkowitz

Yitzchok Berkowitz

Dovid Cohen

Dovid Cohen

Dovid Cohen

Shimon Galai

Shimon Galai

Shimon Galai

Avraham Schorr

Avraham Schorr

Avraham Schorr

Shraga Shteinman

Shraga Shteinman

Shraga Shteinman

The Power of the Partnership, as told by our Yissachars and Zevuluns
The Power of the Partnership, as told by our Yissachars and Zevuluns
D.M, Los Angeles, CA
Partnership #33
On our recent trip to Israel, our Yissachar and his wife invited us for dinner. Experiencing their family in a personal setting was surreal. Though we hadn’t spoken much before, it felt completely natural—truly unforgettable.
B.H, Monsey, NY
Partnership #02
Our Smach Zevulun partnership has profoundly impacted my wife and me. Though the Rav and I don’t speak often, we feel daily comfort and protection knowing we are partners in his Torah, connected through a shared spiritual mission.
K.J, Waterbury, CT
Partnership #77
Just before signing up, I received bad news about a real estate deal I invested in. Weeks after joining, the deal completely turned around, yielding returns beyond my expectations. I attributed this to Smach Zevulun’s bracha and signed a second partnership shortly after.
W.B, Philadelphia, PA
Partnership #18
My Rebbe suggested a Smach Zevulun partnership as a segulah for dating success. A few weeks after signing the Shtar, I went on a first date, and we married a few months later. Renewing our partnership with my wife's name on the Shtar felt truly special.
D.S, Teaneck, NJ
Partnership #102
Unsure if we could afford the partnership, we took a leap of faith and partnered with an incredible Rosh Kollel in Bnei Brak. A few weeks later, I received an email from HR with an unexpected raise—exactly matching our partnership commitment.
Y.D, Yerushalayim
Partnership #26
Through Smach Zevulun, I’ve reached new heights in my learning. After twenty years in Torah study, the Yishuv HaDaas I now experience is unprecedented. Our partnership is truly a bracha.
S.B, Yerushalayim
Partnership #27
Our Zevulun partnership has blossomed into a cherished friendship. From our phone conversations to hosting their family visits in Eretz Yisrael, the connection grows deeper with each interaction.
M.D, Kiryat Sefer
Partnership #144
The Menuchas HaNefesh our family experiences through this partnership is invaluable. We strive daily to honor our Zevulun’s sacrifice, dedicating ourselves fully to enriching Klal Yisrael with Torah.
D.M, Los Angeles, CA
Partnership #33
On our recent trip to Israel, our Yissachar and his wife invited us for dinner. Experiencing their family in a personal setting was surreal. Though we hadn’t spoken much before, it felt completely natural—truly unforgettable.
B.H, Monsey, NY
Partnership #02
Our Smach Zevulun partnership has profoundly impacted my wife and me. Though the Rav and I don’t speak often, we feel daily comfort and protection knowing we are partners in his Torah, connected through a shared spiritual mission.
K.J, Waterbury, CT
Partnership #77
Just before signing up, I received bad news about a real estate deal I invested in. Weeks after joining, the deal completely turned around, yielding returns beyond my expectations. I attributed this to Smach Zevulun’s bracha and signed a second partnership shortly after.
W.B, Philadelphia, PA
Partnership #18
My Rebbe suggested a Smach Zevulun partnership as a segulah for dating success. A few weeks after signing the Shtar, I went on a first date, and we married a few months later. Renewing our partnership with my wife's name on the Shtar felt truly special.
D.S, Teaneck, NJ
Partnership #102
Unsure if we could afford the partnership, we took a leap of faith and partnered with an incredible Rosh Kollel in Bnei Brak. A few weeks later, I received an email from HR with an unexpected raise—exactly matching our partnership commitment.
Y.D, Yerushalayim
Partnership #26
Through Smach Zevulun, I’ve reached new heights in my learning. After twenty years in Torah study, the Yishuv HaDaas I now experience is unprecedented. Our partnership is truly a bracha.
S.B, Yerushalayim
Partnership #27
Our Zevulun partnership has blossomed into a cherished friendship. From our phone conversations to hosting their family visits in Eretz Yisrael, the connection grows deeper with each interaction.
M.D, Kiryat Sefer
Partnership #144
The Menuchas HaNefesh our family experiences through this partnership is invaluable. We strive daily to honor our Zevulun’s sacrifice, dedicating ourselves fully to enriching Klal Yisrael with Torah.
D.M, Los Angeles, CA
Partnership #33
On our recent trip to Israel, our Yissachar and his wife invited us for dinner. Experiencing their family in a personal setting was surreal. Though we hadn’t spoken much before, it felt completely natural—truly unforgettable.
B.H, Monsey, NY
Partnership #02
Our Smach Zevulun partnership has profoundly impacted my wife and me. Though the Rav and I don’t speak often, we feel daily comfort and protection knowing we are partners in his Torah, connected through a shared spiritual mission.
K.J, Waterbury, CT
Partnership #77
Just before signing up, I received bad news about a real estate deal I invested in. Weeks after joining, the deal completely turned around, yielding returns beyond my expectations. I attributed this to Smach Zevulun’s bracha and signed a second partnership shortly after.
W.B, Philadelphia, PA
Partnership #18
My Rebbe suggested a Smach Zevulun partnership as a segulah for dating success. A few weeks after signing the Shtar, I went on a first date, and we married a few months later. Renewing our partnership with my wife's name on the Shtar felt truly special.
D.M, Los Angeles, CA
Partnership #33
On our recent trip to Israel, our Yissachar and his wife invited us for dinner. Experiencing their family in a personal setting was surreal. Though we hadn’t spoken much before, it felt completely natural—truly unforgettable.
B.H, Monsey, NY
Partnership #02
Our Smach Zevulun partnership has profoundly impacted my wife and me. Though the Rav and I don’t speak often, we feel daily comfort and protection knowing we are partners in his Torah, connected through a shared spiritual mission.
K.J, Waterbury, CT
Partnership #77
Just before signing up, I received bad news about a real estate deal I invested in. Weeks after joining, the deal completely turned around, yielding returns beyond my expectations. I attributed this to Smach Zevulun’s bracha and signed a second partnership shortly after.
W.B, Philadelphia, PA
Partnership #18
My Rebbe suggested a Smach Zevulun partnership as a segulah for dating success. A few weeks after signing the Shtar, I went on a first date, and we married a few months later. Renewing our partnership with my wife's name on the Shtar felt truly special.
D.S, Teaneck, NJ
Partnership #102
Unsure if we could afford the partnership, we took a leap of faith and partnered with an incredible Rosh Kollel in Bnei Brak. A few weeks later, I received an email from HR with an unexpected raise—exactly matching our partnership commitment.
Y.D, Yerushalayim
Partnership #26
Through Smach Zevulun, I’ve reached new heights in my learning. After twenty years in Torah study, the Yishuv HaDaas I now experience is unprecedented. Our partnership is truly a bracha.
S.B, Yerushalayim
Partnership #27
Our Zevulun partnership has blossomed into a cherished friendship. From our phone conversations to hosting their family visits in Eretz Yisrael, the connection grows deeper with each interaction.
M.D, Kiryat Sefer
Partnership #144
The Menuchas HaNefesh our family experiences through this partnership is invaluable. We strive daily to honor our Zevulun’s sacrifice, dedicating ourselves fully to enriching Klal Yisrael with Torah.
Smach Zevulun covered by sources you trust

A Tailored Partnership
A Tailored Partnership
Smach Zevulun’s meticulously vetted network is comprised of hidden Torah gems who learn, teach, and guide Klal Yisrael. Partner with prestigious Talmidei Chachamim, including Dayanim, Roshei Kollel, Poskim, and Avreichim, across Eretz Yisrael.
Choose Your Yissachar

Sign The Shtar

Start your partnership

Choose Your Yissachar

Sign The Shtar

Start your partnership


Choose Your Yissachar


Sign The Shtar


Start your partnership


Choose Your Yissachar


Sign The Shtar


Start your partnership

Vetting Process
We uphold a meticulous vetting process to ensure the highest standards of authenticity and integrity are maintained.
The vetting process was designed with Rabbanim and nonprofit experts to ensure our standards exceed expectations.
Our process includes in-person interviews, diligent reference checks, verifying financial statements, and more.
Smach Zevulun began as a dream by two neighbors in Ramat Eshkol in 2022
Smach Zevulun began as a dream by two neighbors in Ramat Eshkol in 2022
Since then, Smach Zevulun has changed the face of supporting Torah in Eretz Yisrael. As of January 2025, Smach Zevulun has facilitated over 140 authentic Yissachar Zevulun partnerships between families in the United States and Talmidei Chachamim and their families in Eretz Yisrael.

Our Board of Directors

Zevy Wolman
CEO, Make It Real

Jordan Odinsky
Partner, Ground Up Ventures

Meir Rosenwasser
CEO, INB Homes
You have questions, we have answers.
What makes Smach Zevulun authentic?
An authentic Yissachar Zevulun partnership is defined by two key elements: providing sufficient financial support to ease the burden on the Talmid Chacham, and fostering a true partnership where Yissachar and Zevulun genuinely know one another. Our partnerships are carefully designed to meet both criteria, as set forth by Gedolei Yisrael, to the highest standard.

What makes Smach Zevulun authentic?
An authentic Yissachar Zevulun partnership is defined by two key elements: providing sufficient financial support to ease the burden on the Talmid Chacham, and fostering a true partnership where Yissachar and Zevulun genuinely know one another. Our partnerships are carefully designed to meet both criteria, as set forth by Gedolei Yisrael, to the highest standard.

What makes Smach Zevulun authentic?
An authentic Yissachar Zevulun partnership is defined by two key elements: providing sufficient financial support to ease the burden on the Talmid Chacham, and fostering a true partnership where Yissachar and Zevulun genuinely know one another. Our partnerships are carefully designed to meet both criteria, as set forth by Gedolei Yisrael, to the highest standard.

Can I choose my Yissachar?
Absolutely. After signing up, we’ll ask a few questions to help match you with the most suitable Yissachars from our network. You’ll then receive a curated selection of bios, offering a glimpse into each Yissachar’s family life, Seder HaYom, and other key aspects of their daily routine.

Can I choose my Yissachar?
Absolutely. After signing up, we’ll ask a few questions to help match you with the most suitable Yissachars from our network. You’ll then receive a curated selection of bios, offering a glimpse into each Yissachar’s family life, Seder HaYom, and other key aspects of their daily routine.

Can I choose my Yissachar?
Absolutely. After signing up, we’ll ask a few questions to help match you with the most suitable Yissachars from our network. You’ll then receive a curated selection of bios, offering a glimpse into each Yissachar’s family life, Seder HaYom, and other key aspects of their daily routine.

Will I have a relationship with my Yissachar?
The short answer is, whatever you feel most comfortable with! Many of our Yissachars and Zevuluns communicate regularly, visit one another, share divrei Torah, and more. Others connect occasionally, especially around the Chagim, while some prefer the Smach Zevulun team to facilitate the relationship. Wherever you fall on that spectrum, we are dedicated to creating the most meaningful partnership for you.

Will I have a relationship with my Yissachar?
The short answer is, whatever you feel most comfortable with! Many of our Yissachars and Zevuluns communicate regularly, visit one another, share divrei Torah, and more. Others connect occasionally, especially around the Chagim, while some prefer the Smach Zevulun team to facilitate the relationship. Wherever you fall on that spectrum, we are dedicated to creating the most meaningful partnership for you.

Will I have a relationship with my Yissachar?
The short answer is, whatever you feel most comfortable with! Many of our Yissachars and Zevuluns communicate regularly, visit one another, share divrei Torah, and more. Others connect occasionally, especially around the Chagim, while some prefer the Smach Zevulun team to facilitate the relationship. Wherever you fall on that spectrum, we are dedicated to creating the most meaningful partnership for you.

Are there fees associated with my partnership?
With Hashem’s help, Smach Zevulun is a complimentary offering for Klal Yisrael. Our operational expenses are fully covered by generous donors, ensuring that every dollar you contribute goes directly to your Yissachar and his family.

Are there fees associated with my partnership?
With Hashem’s help, Smach Zevulun is a complimentary offering for Klal Yisrael. Our operational expenses are fully covered by generous donors, ensuring that every dollar you contribute goes directly to your Yissachar and his family.

Are there fees associated with my partnership?
With Hashem’s help, Smach Zevulun is a complimentary offering for Klal Yisrael. Our operational expenses are fully covered by generous donors, ensuring that every dollar you contribute goes directly to your Yissachar and his family.

Are there lower amounts for partnerships than listed?
Our partnerships are guided by the wisdom of Gedolei Yisrael to ensure they remain accessible while maintaining their authenticity. If you wish to contribute in a smaller way, we encourage you to join as a Smach Zevulun Pillar, partnering with our team to share in the zechus of every partnership we create.

Are there lower amounts for partnerships than listed?
Our partnerships are guided by the wisdom of Gedolei Yisrael to ensure they remain accessible while maintaining their authenticity. If you wish to contribute in a smaller way, we encourage you to join as a Smach Zevulun Pillar, partnering with our team to share in the zechus of every partnership we create.

Are there lower amounts for partnerships than listed?
Our partnerships are guided by the wisdom of Gedolei Yisrael to ensure they remain accessible while maintaining their authenticity. If you wish to contribute in a smaller way, we encourage you to join as a Smach Zevulun Pillar, partnering with our team to share in the zechus of every partnership we create.

Experience a connection to Torah like never before.
Smach Zevulun. ©2025
Experience a connection to Torah like never before.
Smach Zevulun. ©2025
Experience a connection to Torah like never before.
Smach Zevulun. ©2025